A Note To TN Brotherhoods — ‘Water for Tamilnadu, Safety for Kerala’.!

Anoop M Madasseri
3 min readOct 26, 2021


Note that the intent of the article is to clear the fallacy between the people of Tamil Nadu & Kerala on the Mullaperiyar Dam anxiety, no much technical details I meant to be comprised here!

Know that It’s Kerala’s responsibility to ensure that sufficient water is available for TN as Kerala highly depends on TN agricultural produces. Kerala never wants to benefit from Mullaperiya reservoir, the state and Its people ( us ) have no idea to make anything out of it. So, why do the Keralites wants to demolish the artefact for no reason ?!

It’s reasonable that people live downstream are scared about the pretty old dam, Just do an R&D about the past dam breaks and their root causes. Fortunately, the UN report is pretty much comprehensive about the dam's current situation, we can’t take any chance in people's lives.

The UN report claims 3.5 million: the approximate number of people at risk if India’s Mullaperiyar Dam, built 100+ years ago, were to fail. The dam, in a seismically active area, shows significant structural flaws and its management is a contentious issue between Kerala and Tamil Nadu States.

Read further — https://unu.edu/.../ageing-dams-pose-growing-threat.html

We are all Indians, we should put the nation first, and think in that perspective, then you might feel the pain of your brotherhoods. I have a lot of intimate friends from TN and folks like me are always want to see their growth, not withering and they think vice versa as well, there is the mutual prosperity that begins of a society.

As an individual, if you were in this dilemma, what would be your thoughts, whilst you need to push through each day with this nightmare especially whilst the assured flooding and extreme climate events here in Kerala! and if you have a family to look after that fear intensifies, though one should understand that it’s not just a fear-mongering, do some unbiased research, you’ll find out the grave danger reasons under the hood.

You just need to use your common sense !!

This is a dam built 126 years ago using brick and limestone and is leaking. It was originally engineered for a life of 50 years and now is <repeat> leaking water.

It is not a question of “if” but “when” the Dam will burst, especially with the assured flooding and extreme climate events!

Out of those TOP #6 most dangerous dams in the world en-listed by UN, 4 of them were decommissioned. Only one dam apart from Mulla Periyar is still functional, which was built in Zimbabwe in 1966. Then there is Mullaperiyar Dam which was built in 1896!

Let us hope the UN study will encourage authorities, including the Supreme Court, to decide early to decommission this dam that threatens the lives of millions!

Our slogan must be ‘Water for Tamilnadu, Safety for Kerala’. People shouldn’t take this as a conflict b/w TN & Kerala, We’re Indians First! And my message to both the states govts — You can’t always set face against your problems, Fix It!

Risk of dam failure


